Category: Trading Tips

How to Use Forex Signals Posted on
Forex signals are quite polarizing because there are either those who swear by them or those who have had a bad experience and now are wary of giving them another…
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You will definitely have heard people saying, I know I have said it myself quite a few times, that self-discipline is very important in becoming a successful Forex trader. Discipline…
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Trading in the fast-paced and volatile forex market can be a thrilling endeavor, but it also requires discipline and a structured approach to achieve consistent profitability. In this blog post,…
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Is forex legit or a scam? Posted on
There are approximately 10 million forex traders in the world today and around $6.6 trillion are traded in the forex market on a daily basis. These numbers are, frankly, quite…
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Learning from Your Losses in Forex Posted on
Losses are a part of Forex trading, in fact all trading, so it is best if traders have a strategy in place to deal with them. Not only that but…
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Tips for never missing a good trade Posted on
The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) is a huge problem when it comes to trading, not just for new traders but even those who have been doing it for a…
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