Category: Trading Motivation

Learning from Your Losses in Forex Posted on
Losses are a part of Forex trading, in fact all trading, so it is best if traders have a strategy in place to deal with them. Not only that but…
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Tips for never missing a good trade Posted on
The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) is a huge problem when it comes to trading, not just for new traders but even those who have been doing it for a…
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Crypto trading for Beginners Posted on
If you have looked at the finance section of any paper in a while, you will definitely have seen Bitcoin, quite possibly in the headlines too. It recently hit an…
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While all traders are pretty much on the same page when it comes to technical analysis, it’s not the same for news and fundamental analysis. In this blog we are…
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Can meditation help your trading? Posted on
If you’ve been on the internet for some time you have definitely seen someone praising the virtues of meditation. We have all heard that it is helpful in relieving stress…
read moreThe Right Trading Mindset Posted on
If you read up on any traders who are actually successful in Forex or even stock trading, you will notice that they think of it like any other business and…
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